What Makes SRD Grant to be DECLINED and How to RESOLVE that
According to Sassa, there are several reasons why SRD Grant applications are declined. We go through each reason and let you know how to resolve it.
What leads to grant application to be declined?
The common answer to that, during the verification process, the application did not meet one or more of the qualifying criteria. Sassa has set out the qualifying criteria for one to be eligible for the grant. Apply only if you meet such criterion.
More about application rejections
Applications Verification and Validation
All received applications by Sassa for the Special Covid-19 SRD R350 grant are verified on a Monthly basis, to confirm if they meet the qualification criteria.
Applications that do not meet the qualification criteria are declined with reasons.
SRD R350 Grant Qualification Criteria
During the application process, all applicants agreed to the declaration and consent that stipulates the qualifying criteria and provides consent to SASSA to verify the information against the various databases that are used to validate the qualification for the grant.
What are the qualifying criteria for SRD Grant?
The qualifying criteria states that:
The applicants must be South African Citizens, Permanent Residents or Refugees registered on the Home Affairs database and holders of special permits under the Special Angolan Dispensation, the Lesotho Exemption Permit dispensation and the Zimbabwe Exemption Permit Dispensation, and asylum seekers whose section 22 permits or visas are valid or were valid on 15 March 2020; currently residing within the borders of the Republic of South Africa;
Must be above the age of 18 and below the age of 60;
Must be unemployed;
Not receiving any social grant in respect of him or herself;
Not receiving an unemployment insurance benefit and does not qualify to receive an unemployment insurance (UIF) benefit;
Not receiving a stipend from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) or other financial aid;
Not receiving any other government COVID-19 response support; and
Not a resident in a government funded or subsidised institution (e.g. Prison)
Not receiving an Income more than R595 per Month
Definition of Income
Income in relation to the SRD R350 grant means, any source of income as defined in regulation 19 of the Social Assistance Regulations, 2008 and includes any form of donation or other financial support or financial assistance received by the applicant of not more than R595 as per the food poverty line threshold.
What can I do to dispute the Outcome?
The client has the right to apply for reconsideration should they be in disagreement with the declined outcome. The client can apply for reconsideration via the SRD Website at this link https://srd.sassa.gov.za/reconsideration should the client wish to dispute the outcome.
Since this grant is validated monthly, the request for reconsideration must be submitted for each month that the application is declined, even if the reason for the decline and the reason for disputing this decision is the same each month.
Sassa SRD Grant rejection reasons and meanings
Reason for decline | What it means |
Alternative income source identified | The applicant has been employed and is indicated as contributing towards income tax |
Identity verification failed | The personal information provided does not match the Department of Home Affairs details. |
Existing Sassa grant | The applicant is a current recipient of a Social grant other than a child grant |
Nsfasregistered | The applicant is receiving a benefit from National Student Fund Aid Scheme |
Uif registered | The applicant is eligible for UIF benefits based on TERS OR Contributions to UIF OR is currently receiving the Unemployment Insurance Fund benefit |
Gov payroll registered | The applicant is in employment in a government institution |
Age outside range(>60) | The applicant does not qualify for the grant due to not meeting the age requirement ( Over 60) |
Suspended (Deceased Record on DHA) | The client is registered as deceased on the Department of Home Affairs database |
What can I do when my application is declined?
The client can apply for reconsideration via the SRD Website at this link https://srd.sassa.gov.za/reconsideration should the client wish to dispute the outcome. You can appeal every month as applications are reviewed on a monthly basis. Each rejection is for that particular month, you may still appeal for the upcoming month if declined again.
Question time
How many times have you appeal or apply for reconsideration and what were the outcomes?
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