Social Relief of Distress(SRD) Grant applications have opened last Saturday on the 23rd of April 2022. This is for both new applications and reapplications. But only the line of application that is open is the SRD website.
SRD WhatsApp Reapplication
Speaking on SABC News, Sassa Spokesperson said that the WhatsApp line for SRD applications will open on Monday but when we do a test on the line we found that it was not yet accepting applications.
about:blankSassa Spokesperson on SABC News
Message of SRD WhatsApp Line
Here is the automated message received on the SRD WhatsApp line when you choose SRD application option: “Please note that SASSA is not taking new applications for the SRD grant at this time. SASSA will publish the date on which new applications and reapplication will be opened.” End of the message.
Challenges on the Reapplication process so far
SRD WhatsApp Reapplication
How to Apply or Reapply for SRD R350 Grant?
At the moment, there is only one application channel which is the SRD website. To apply go to https://srd.sassa.gov.za and follow the instructions.
When you are there you can log your application or confirm the existing application and submit to Sassa.
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